Your Home for Homemade Japanese Food

How to cook "with visual instructions" "using familiar ingredients from your local grocery stores" healthy, traditional and delicious Japanese dishes!!

Datemaki, Japanese Traditional Pan-Fried Egg (Vegetarian)


This is a Japanese traditional New Year’s dish called Datemaki. It mainly contains egg and fish paste and has sweet taste and smooth texture.

Today I use tofu as substitute for fish paste because tofu is easily available, it is delicious, and it becomes a great dish for people who follow vegetarian diet.

For good final presentation, you may as well use Makisu which is a bamboo sushi mat, but you can use a piece of parchment paper if you don’t have Makisu.

Ingredients (servings 2)

• 7 oz (198g) firm tofu

• 4 eggs

• 4 tablespoons sugar

• 1 tablespoon Mirin, Japanese sweet cooking rice wine

• 1/2 tablespoon Yamasa Marudai Zu Soy Sauce

The recipe is easy but takes a little bit time. You can store this dish in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days so you may want to make ahead and serve it later.

Drain tofu, wrap with paper towels and place on a plate. Put a weight, such as a heavy plate, on the wrapped tofu for at least 1 hour to drain completely. (Change the paper towels halfway through if they are completely soaked).

Combine the drained tofu, eggs, sugar, mirin and soy sauce in a bowl. Mix well using a hand blender until smooth.

Heat a dry non-stick skillet over medium heat for a few minutes, then coat the skillet with cooking spray. Put the hot skillet on a damp cloth to let the bottom of the skillet cool down slightly. Next, put the skillet on the range back and pour in all of the egg mixture. Put a lid on the skillet and cook for 12 minutes over low heat. Then turn the heat off and let it sit on the range for 5 minutes with the lid on. Remove the lid and let it sit another 5 to 10 minutes until it becomes cool enough to handle.

Place the egg on a Makisu or a piece of parchment paper. Roll it into a tight jelly roll. Put a rubber band around the roll and let it sit at room temperature for about 1 hour to cool down. Then refrigerate for at least 1 hour to allow it set up before cutting and serving.

Author: fravitch

We have two blogs: One is a recipe blog "Your Home for Homemade Japanese Food". Another is about my husband's book "Accidental Samurai".

15 thoughts on “Datemaki, Japanese Traditional Pan-Fried Egg (Vegetarian)

  1. OMG! That looks like such an easy and yummy recipe. Love the addition of Tofu in this one. I will definitely try it. My kids are obsessed with Tofu these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a wonderful preparation. I’ll have to give it a try!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 💯

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’re recipes always amaze me. So beautiful and tempting.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Datemaki, Japanese Traditional Pan-Fried Egg (Vegetarian) — Your Home for Homemade Japanese Food (Reblog) – The Elloe Recorder

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